A message from Keith Flynn, who is the Co-Chair for the Genesee County Democratic Party’s Policy Committee, about this past Saturday’s Healthcare Rally.
Thank you to everyone who came out to show their support this past Saturday and made the GCDP rally against Trumpcare a huge success!
Here are a few of the news stories that covered our rally:
WNEM Channel 5 – “Rally Aims to Drum Up Support for Affordable Healthcare”
NBC 25/Fox 66 Newsroom – “Healthcare Debate Continues as Lawmakers Travel Through Michigan Hosting Rallies”
The Burton View – “Local Healthcare Rally Presents Views That Differ From Those of Opposing Party”
I would like to thank the elected officials who spoke at our rally: Congressman Dan Kildee and State Representatives Pam Faris, Sheldon Neeley, Phil Phelps, and Tim Sneller. And also, I would like to thank the members of our community who had the courage to speak out about the impact that Trumpcare would have on their lives: the Chair of the Genesee County National Alliance on Mental Illness, Brandi Britton, Jia Ireland, Nicole Derusha-Mackey, and Marsha Connelly-Snyder. I would especially like to thank all of the volunteers from multiple committees (Communications, Membership, and Policy) who made this event possible. I would also like to add a big thank you to UAW Region 1-D for allowing us to use the union hall and to all the folks from the union who came out to help set up, support, and tear down the event. Without everyone involved, our rally would not have been a success.
The GCDP intends to keep fighting against the Republican Party’s attempt to deprive our neighbors and families of their healthcare. Next Saturday, the GCDP will be going door-to-door and phone banking about why Trumpcare is wrong for America and why we support Medicare for All.
Please join us at noon on July 29th at UAW Region 1D at 1940 W. Atherton Rd in Flint! Here is the Facebook page for our Day Of Action.