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GCDP Call to Convention – Spring 2019
January 19, 2019 @ 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
In accordance with and under the rules of The Michigan Democratic Party, the Genesee
County Democratic Party issues this call to a County Convention to be convened at 10
AM on Saturday, January 19, 2019. The Convention shall be held at UAW Local 659
located at 4549 Van Slyke Road in Flint, Michigan.
The purpose of this Convention shall be to elect Members and Alternates of State
Convention Committees and to consider resolutions to be forwarded to the State Party.
The Genesee County Democratic Party has been allocated one Female member of the
Credentials Committee, one Male member of the Resolutions Committee, and one
Female member of the Rules Committee. Those Committee Members will be elected by
the County Convention assembled on January 19, 2019.
Delegates to County and District Conventions shall be the Precinct Delegates who were
duly elected at the Primary Election held August 7, 2018, the nominees for County and
Legislative office as set forth in Party Rules Article 5 C, and members of the Michigan
Democratic Party whose membership was renewed at least thirty (30) days prior to the
County/ District Convention. Precinct Delegates, Democratic elected officials and
Democratic nominees to partisan offices may become members that day when they
register at the County and District Conventions.
The Agenda for the Convention shall be as follows:
A. Call to Order
B. Election of Permanent Convention Chair (This is the person who will chair the convention)
C. Appointment of Convention Secretary (This will be the official record keeper of the convention. This person will also be
responsible for sending minutes and results to the State Party)
C. Credential Report (This is a report out of all credentialed delegates for the convention)
D. Rules Report (This will be the time to review and accept voting procedure for the convention)
E. Election of Convention Committee Members & Alternates (State allocation by office and gender)
F. Resolution Consideration
G. Good & Welfare
H. Adjournment